Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tree 'rich'ness

Healthy Hickory Tree in Spring

“To be poor and be without trees, is to be the most starved human being in the world. To be poor and have trees, is to be completely rich in ways that money can never buy.” 
― Clarissa Pinkola EstésThe Faithful Gardener: A Wise Tale About That Which Can Never Die

Trees give us so much.  There are some native to a large part of America that provide nuts with high nutrients, as well as prime wood for lumber.  Not to mention, Hickory trees and Walnuts trees are just downright pretty.

We had the honor to tour a Walnut plantation in Northern Missouri this Spring of 2014.  What a beautiful view!  This grove was planted in 1990.  After many methods of trial and error, much work in weeding, thinning, pruning, the growth is nature's glory. 

2 year old Walnut Sapling.  Cute huh?

“But what is work and what is not work?  Is it work to dig, to carpenter, to plant trees, to fell trees, to ride, to fish, to hunt, to feed chickens, to play the piano, to take photographs, to build a house, to cook, to sew, to trim hats, to mend motor bicycles?  All of these things are work to somebody, and all of them are play to somebody.  There are in fact very few activities which cannot be classed either as work or play according as you choose to regard them."
- George Orwell

“I like to tell people that trees are organic, natural, and, most importantly, renewable,” says the 61-year-old rocker. They give us materials for buildings and books. They clean our air and our water. They shelter wildlife. That’s just for starters. Did he mention jobs, too? He turns serious when he talks about this. He wants to get through, to make people see. He knows some think using trees is harmful. But no, “We need reasons to grow trees.”
Chuck Leavell  (From  

What better reason than this to grow trees?
At, we thrive on tree creativity.  Trees represent nature, and we represent trees in our gifts.   Come join us and take a look.  Give us ideas!  We want to grow!